Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Random Observations

One day I was sitting and waiting for class to start when suddenly the guy sitting in front of me exclaims to his buddies or whoever is listening (e.g. me lol), "He IS wearing red!! (referring to our teacher) He's been wearing nothing but red and green this entire time this semester!" At this point the guy turns around with a shocked expression on his face, and looks at me and the other people near and behind me. His look of disbelief was a bit funny. Then he turns back and continues,"Well one time he wore purple, but he had red suspenders...."
Someone pays a lot of attention to the teacher lol he's probably a good student. But the funny thing is, our teacher actually does kind of resemble Santa Claus..He even mainly uses red and green markers.

And a week ago, as I got out of class, I saw someone who walks just like Flint Lockwood does sometimes from the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Same posture, arms and hands held up a little bit instead of swaying freely at his sides, and small quick steps. You'll have to watch the movie (if you haven't already) to actually see what I mean lol. Then once outside, he just took off running across the field towards a building that was about a quarter of a mile away, which was unexpected. He was the only one running towards a destination lol I just assumed that he doesn't like to be in the cold and light rain for very long.
This reminds me that I have a funny walk or so I've been told. My mom and dad say that when I walk, I have a bounce in my step so I seem to be bobbing up and down. My mom says that my dad walks like that too lol

After that, I noticed this middle aged staff member happily walking along and smiling at people while swinging a coffee mug in one hand and a large container of ground coffee in the other hand. I wish I was that cheerful every day I go to school =P

Well, today I saw book guy again..why am I not surprised lol. Weird thing was, I recognized him (he reminds me of a taller version of the kid Russel from the movie UP) from yards away without even seeing the book..yay for coincidences that make me feel like a stalker lol. We were even walking to the same building which was a little farther from the other buildings on the main campus. So he was still yards ahead of me and he took a shortcut through a building. I chose to walk around. I should have followed him though, because when he came out of the building, he was even further ahead of me and he was walking maybe 3 times slower than I was! I wager he wasn't even tired or out of breath (as I was) lol He was just trudging along while reading his book..lucky person xP

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Funny things happened today.
So I walked into class (or what I thought was my class) and sat down. The class started filling up and a teacher I didn't know walked in lol Strangely the class was ALL guys...What kind of class was that?? haha
And then the teacher started passing out papers..and there was someone name Darby who was apparently absent today, so I thought it was me lol that made me even more confused xP coincidence? idk but after a minute of wondering how to leave, I walked out and went to my real class that was next door..=_= really embarrassing lol

And then I keep seeing this one guy I don't know, but it's weird that I keep seeing him everywhere on most days of each week, I don't even see my friends or acquaintances walking around that often if at all..Maybe he's more noticeable than other people because he's almost always walking around while reading a book lol. I remember when I used to do that. So I saw him earlier today and just thought I'd take note of that. But then, as I was waiting for the bus at 8:40pm (I had to stay late to hear a scientific presentation for extra credit), that guy passes by where I was waiting and he was still reading!! even though it was already dark haha..

Yay ^^ junk food for my hard work today.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Monster that Ate my Debit Card

What I thought was just going to be a normal, boring holiday turned out to be an experience that severed my trust of machines and technology (expecting my laptop to blow a fuse any moment now although I really hope that doesn't happen) lol I had gone grocery shopping at Krogers on Labor Day and needed to withdraw money so I went to the Fifth-Third bank's ATM machine that was in the store. There's this slot where you put your card into the machine; I put my debit card into the slot and watched it go inside. This would be the second or third time in my life that I have ever used an ATM machine but I think I should have known something was wrong when the card got spit back out. I'm not sure if I could have taken the card back fast enough though since it got sucked back in right away. I remember feeling anxious as the screen told me to "Please wait.." Then, after a few seconds, the screen went back to "Please insert your card"...
My roommate tried pushing all the buttons on the machine but that didn't work. We asked the store employees but they said they couldn't do anything about it and that maybe the card will come back out so we should wait lol We would probably have been waiting an hour or so with no results if I hadn't tried putting in another card (just a Krogers card that I don't really need) into the slot. This card went in and right away the screen went to "Select your language." I canceled and pushed the option on the screen to get my card back and only that card came back. The debit card had gotten swallowed into the unfathomable depths of the machine somehow..scary huh? Just think what robots would be able to do if one day there's actually artificial intelligence. I think they'd be able to do worse than just take your debit or credit card for their mysterious purposes lol

No, Wall-E is actually cute and nice =P
So I had to abandon my card, cancel it, and am now waiting for a new one. It's very fortunate that I bought food right before I lost the card lol I don't have any other credit cards and the bank I use is in another state. I just won't be spending money for a while until I get the new card. This unexpected event may seem unlucky but on the bright side, it's actually not harmful at all to my financial situation ;) but now I will be wary of using ATM machines. I'll only use them if there's no other option.
I wonder if a repairman will come take a look at that ATM machine. One day, if someone does open it up, I imagine that they will find a bunch of cards that evil machine has swallowed lol