Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I've never been away from home or my family and I miss them, but many people move away from home, some farther than others. I'm thankful that I have understanding parents and also that I have the opportunity to live and explore life while I can.
I see being away from my family as a way to bring us closer together. Being around each other every day and all the time can make people take things for granted. I realized that I appreciate and love my family more now, and I can't wait to go visit. I miss being with them, laughing and talking to them, watching movies, playing games, shopping, cooking and eating together and all that stuff. We may not be able to do those things now that we're in different states, but we do keep in touch almost every day though! haha so we're doing ok =]
Before I left for Ohio, time seemed to be passing by quickly. The date for my flight was approaching. I remember feeling sad especially when my parents would sadly bring up the subject of my going away but they tried to stay cheerful and support me ^^ I'm happy and glad to have them as my parents. I knew it was a difficult time for them though. Packing my stuff into cases didn't help much either lol My family and I started spending more time together and watched as many movies as we could. My siblings and I all watched some alien movies together..I was hiding under the blankets during Signs because I thought it'd be scary haha not much of a horror movie person
My sis reminded me that the last movie we watched together before I left was Madagascar 2 and I had fallen asleep halfway through it lol. I'm planning on watching Kung Fu Panda #1 and 2 so many times with my sisters, they'll probably get annoyed
After experiencing living on my own and being away from loved ones, I feel like a new, different person. I know my family worries about me but I worry about them as well. This makes me want to do my best  for them and for myself. They're always in my thoughts and prayers, and I know they're doing the same for me.

My Family =P haha
Shifu: Dad
Mr. Ping: Mom

Mantis: Sis (small but powerful! lol and funny)
Po: Bro
Tigress: Youngest sis
Oogway: Me =D....jk I think I'm more like Monkey, the one of few words but I can be funny/silly when needed =P
Dad and Bro haha xD

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