Friday, August 26, 2011

My First Week of School

First day: I woke up so early (6am) that I didn't notice that my shirt was on inside out!! until I went to look in the mirror before leaving the apartment. Good thing I didn't go to school like that! lol So my day started out a bit silly but it was a nice day. So far I like my teachers and look forward to the classes, and that's saying A LOT because it's chemistry and math we're talking about here lol I've met a few people in my classes and around campus. Not sure if we'll meet or talk again but having a random conversation or 2 makes the day more interesting.
My chemistry teacher showed us this video at the beginning of the class..

haha I'm thinking of memorizing it and the PokeRap! summer though because I have NO time and a limited learning capacity at the moment lol

Second day: I already had a lot of chemistry to do after the first day. Stayed up till 12:30am doing homework..Without Cramster, my chemistry hw would steal all my sleep lol
Highlights of the day- My medical terminology class was fun. We all had to introduce ourselves and tell the class something we didn't think anyone else in the class had done before. It was a good icebreaker except we'd have to keep coming up with stuff if people say that they did do that before. One person tried a few times and finally got away with saying, "I killed a shark" because the teacher felt bad lol I said, "I lived in California all my life and just transferred here." The teacher was like, "WHY HERE?!" lol I get that a lot. Four times today =P It makes me wonder how much more the weather will surprise me here haha Most people here want to go to California because of the nice weather and the beaches. Over here, you never know when a raincoat or umbrella will come in handy.

Third day: Went to bed at 9:30pm Tuesday night and planned to get up at 5:30am. Just when I thought I'd get a full and peaceful sleep, during the early morning hours, it started pouring rain, lightning flashed and the thunder woke me up! lol the noise was loud mainly because the window was open a bit. We're trying to save money by using less A/C and more air from outside. The storm went on for a while. Well that was an interesting start to the day.
The rest of the day was windy. Gotta love windblown hair lol It makes some people look sexy while others end up looking like they lost a battle with a crazy hairdryer and their hair can't seem to stay out of their face..I'm closer to the latter =[ haha
It is so hot this evening!! I went out to the living room and could barely breathe even though all the windows were open lol it was like I walked into a suana or an oven..

Fourth day: Just found out that a really nice counselor who helped me register for my classes before I had even moved to Ohio had her "position extinguished" =( I wanted to actually meet and thank her for all her help but guess not.
Don't let time pass you by. We should do things NOW before it's too late. I'm working on fixing my procrastination issue lol But serioiusly, tell friends and family how much you care and appreciate them and stuff like that. My best friends are awesome. They've withstood the test of time and are patient with me and all my questions. We may not be going to the same school or living in the same state, but they are still always there for me =)

Fifth day: Thank the Lord that it's Friday lol I thank Him for each day, but I will be able to take a short break from all the walking I did throughout the week. Other than that, my weekend will be like my weekdays: lots of chemistry to do and starting assignments for other classes.

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