Friday, August 26, 2011

Randomness of the Day

I saw the strangest thing today. Someone had left their shoes on the stairs leading to University Hall lol.

I took the picture from a distance..I was wary that it could be one of those psychology studies where they put a hidden camera somewhere and see how people react to a phenomenon lol
In this case, maybe people would stop and stare for a bit, some might glance and keep walking...maybe someone would try waving around the air above the shoes to see if there's an invisible person there lol.. someone could even take the shoes! or keep coming back to see if they're still there. I would have done that last one but I had to go to my classes. I'm already funny enough to take a picture of this =P but I wanted to share it since it's probably not something everyone sees every day. Maybe I'm over-thinking it haha but why would someone just leave their shoes at school like that? I guess it will remain a mystery. Any ideas anyone?

Here's a psychology experiment vid: Conformity to gender roles

Wallet Dropping experiment
You never know when you could be being watched haha =P

One more thing. I was waiting for the bus and unfortunately stood under a tree that was dropping little white bugs on me.. Apparently they like the color blue because they stuck to my shirt and backpack >.< there could have been some on my head but I didn't find any and the person sitting in back of me on the bus didn't say anything lol but even when I had gotten home, I found some on my backpack, they hadn't let go..I had to brush them off. It's times like these that I wish I had a monkey lol

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