Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Toledo Ohio

I've always wanted to travel, and Ohio is the first place I have ever traveled to out of's a start =]
I have been in Toledo for about 2 months now and I'm getting used to living here. It takes time to adjust to living someplace new and unfamiliar so I'm glad I was able to see what it's like here and plan out how I'm going to live and cook on my own before school starts.
Living downtown is different from what I'm used to, but interesting. There aren't as many people walking around like in Oakland's Chinatown unless there's a baseball game or event taking place. There are fireworks sometimes in the middle of the night during the baseball games. So much goes on all around so it's never really boring. There are a lot of shops that I haven't visited yet. I've been to a couple deli's, restaurants and pizza places though. It's fun going to the Farmers Market here which is open on weekends and close by.
I think this city is very big, compared to my hometown anyway. The big supermarkets such as FoodMaxx and Winco don't exist here, but there is Krogers and Walmart :) Those places are not within walking distance though so I don't do much grocery shopping. Sadly, Togo's Eatery doesn't exist here either. Apparently, it's a west coast chain. but that just means I have to make my own sandwiches lol. There's a mall here, and it's pretty big. It looks a lot more futuristic than the one in Modesto. The prices of most merchandise there are still high though, so it's just a nice place to window shop =P
There are a bunch of places to go sight-seeing. So far I've been to the zoo and art museum. There are metro parks, a glass museum and a botanical garden that I haven't been to yet.
I enjoy going to the churches here. The Cedar Creek church service makes it a really fun Sunday and I learn a lot.
I don't normally check the weather reports because California weather isn't too unpredictable, but I should probably start checking them more often now. Toledo weather is very unpredictable. It can be clear and sunny one day, then raining and storming the next. I remember one evening I was out for a walk to the docks with my roommate. It took 5 to 10 minutes to get there. It was nice outside and there was a slight breeze, but then we heard a rumble and noticed the dark storm clouds..within a minute or two, it suddenly started pouring and gusts of wind came out of nowhere. It was like a mini typhoon. We made it back to the apartment soaked. Kind of embarrassing that we got caught in a storm lol but it was a fun learning experience. Having perfect weather all the time can be a bit boring, for me anyway.

Above pic: Dark clouds overhead. Below: wind and rain

Nowhere on Earth is truly perfect, but there are little things that are good all around us. We just have to appreciate them.
And that's pretty much it (so far) about what Toledo is like.

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