Sunday, August 28, 2011


omg RED ALERT We are running out of toilet paper!

haha..No really, this is all we have left lol Well actually, the amount left on the roll wouldn't really be of much use..So we are out of toilet paper D: I never thought much about how important toilet paper is, but I've taken a lot of things for granted before and learned how to appreciate them later on. Toilet paper is now an appreciated thing on my list.
We are currently aware of the situation and are working to fix it asap. Good thing the problem is easy to solve. There will not be a battle for the last few sheets or anything like that. Either one of my roomies or I will go shopping (this wouldn't work if we lived in a town where all the shops closed on Sundays lol) or ask a few neighbors if they can kindly donate a roll of toilet paper to us =]

Who knows, this might help someone later on in the future, although I don't think there are many people who would leave this sort of thing till the last minute, at the last roll, and the very last sheets lol
But anyway, moral of the story: check your supply of toilet paper often

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