Sunday, August 28, 2011

Becoming a Better Person

Wow I remember back in jr. high whenever I heard people talking about NSYNC or Backstreet Boys, I would be like ew (in my mind lol) and have that "eye-roll" feeling ^^' Seems like it was just yesterday, but now I have discovered that I actually like some of their songs...and I feel bad for wrongly judging something without having taken the time to see what it is. I guess it was harder to find out things when I was younger because I had super slow internet, watched tv more than listening to the radio and was sheltered so I thought certain things were bad lol And so I have become a very late bloomer in many aspects of life (fashion, technology, etc) but this one was a shocker. However, I've been converted =P better late than never right?
Of course, people have different tastes in music, movies, fashion, and we all probably won't agree on some things like religion/beliefs but it's nice if we're able to accept all those things and maybe even try some things that we've never tried before.
When we try new things, we might end up liking something we never thought we would..or find out that we never want to do something ever again haha I never want to eat clams ever again..My dad was eating one and found a smaller clam inside the one he was eating. I think it was a baby clam?? not sure how reproduction of the clam works. But even though that was not a personal experience and it wasn't like a total nightmare, it was enough to convince me that I shouldn't eat clams. I'm not much of a seafood or meat-eater and was already a little bleh about clams because they clean up the dirty stuff in the water lol
Oh and if anyone buys those boxes of baby greens salad, even though it says "washed and ready to eat," I would wash and check through the portion I'm eating just to be safe. There might be a hidden roach or cricket in there and it would not be very yummy to bite into one of those..fortunately, again I wasn't the one that learned that the hard way ^^' too bad some people need to make the sacrifices for the sake of others but we appreciate them for it :)
So back to the original topic of this post: I am working on not judging something before I know what it's all about. I tried not to judge Justin Bieber haha and after watching his Never Say Never movie, I wasn't turned into a fan of his or anything but it was easy to see him in a different light after knowing his story and what he goes through as a singer.

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