Saturday, October 15, 2011

Runaway Shopping Cart

Haven't posted in a month..there hasn't been much exciting happening. However, the weather has been starting to change now. It was so windy in Toledo today, strong winds that just kept blowing nonstop. Not a good day to wear a hat lol but it was cold so I needed to keep my head warm somehow.
So I had gone shopping at Walmart, and when I came out of the store and headed toward the bus stop, I heard a girl tell her mom "That cart's going to hit our car!" and the mom said "Oh it's ok, let's go." I guess getting out of the wind is more important lol Well I caught sight of the shopping cart and I don't think it hit their car because it was still going...being pushed by the wind through the parking lot..I think it was moving about 5 miles an hour or so. It looked a little funny because it seemed alive or like an invisible person was pushing it. Then it was headed straight towards the path a van was coming through. I was way too far away to catch it or try to warn the driver but luckily he/she noticed it at the last second and stopped and let it pass lol otherwise, it would have T-boned the van. The cart kept going and I almost laughed when I saw another driver just coming into the parking lot turn his head to watch the cart. Well the cart ended up hitting a concrete curb that surrounded the parking lot so fortunately there were no casualties.
I wish I had been able to get a video of all that but I didn't have my camera and it all happened fairly quickly. That was the interesting part of the day =P After, I had to carry all my groceries back; it was heavy..I wish I could get a shopping cart and just let the wind push it as I sit in it with all my stuff lol I'd have to figure out a steering and braking mechanism first though.

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