Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Funny things happened today.
So I walked into class (or what I thought was my class) and sat down. The class started filling up and a teacher I didn't know walked in lol Strangely the class was ALL guys...What kind of class was that?? haha
And then the teacher started passing out papers..and there was someone name Darby who was apparently absent today, so I thought it was me lol that made me even more confused xP coincidence? idk but after a minute of wondering how to leave, I walked out and went to my real class that was next door..=_= really embarrassing lol

And then I keep seeing this one guy I don't know, but it's weird that I keep seeing him everywhere on most days of each week, I don't even see my friends or acquaintances walking around that often if at all..Maybe he's more noticeable than other people because he's almost always walking around while reading a book lol. I remember when I used to do that. So I saw him earlier today and just thought I'd take note of that. But then, as I was waiting for the bus at 8:40pm (I had to stay late to hear a scientific presentation for extra credit), that guy passes by where I was waiting and he was still reading!! even though it was already dark haha..

Yay ^^ junk food for my hard work today.

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