Thursday, August 18, 2011

Public Transportation

A couple days ago, it had been my first time riding a bus. I'm not sure if the ones that go back and forth between MJC count, but buses that go around the city are much more confusing. You have to get the right routes and catch the right bus, and you also have to pull these cords to signal when you want to be dropped off. Alright, that's probably basic stuff that everyone should have known, but I've never asked or talked with anyone about riding buses and I've never gone out much..obviously lol
Here in Toledo, the bus-line is called TARTA. Bus fare is $1 or 1 token for adults. For people who ride the bus more often, it'd be a good idea to get a bus pass which is $40 a month and you can take the bus as many times as you want during the month.
I had to draw out the routes I'll be taking so I'll know where to stop at and so I wouldn't get lost. I wrote down all the times too =P You can never be too prepared haha Fortunately, I live downtown and the bus stations are close by. All the buses will go back to downtown after their route is completed so all I have to do  is find a sign that says it's a tarta stop and I could catch any bus once I'm done shopping or whatever I took the bus for.
I think I've gotten the hang of riding buses. I just need to give myself plenty of time to get to places on time because sometimes the buses run a little late.

So my first bus trip was to my new school. I almost missed it =P but I made it there without any problems. I bought some things from the bookstore that are required for my classes, and then I walked around trying to find all my classes to make sure I wouldn't get lost the first week. It is a huge school. The buildings are also big and can be confusing. One building even has stairs that can lead to nowhere so I had to make sure I didn't encounter one of those lol I walked around the entire campus which took almost 5 hours before finally finishing my exploring.

I went on my second bus trip yesterday. I needed to go to Michaels for some things. There were many stores along the route I took so I'll probably be taking it again. I got a Cravin' Chicken combo meal at Arby's and called it a day. Overall it was a nice day spent by myself. Interestingly enough, I find that I like eating out alone better than with other people because I can take my time and not worry about choking or something lol

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