Thursday, August 18, 2011

How Am I Doing?

When I first got to Toledo, I didn't go out much. I guess I had enough of adventures to last a little while after my first airport and flight experience. Most of the time, I like spending time alone. I used to think I could become a hermit and live up in the mountains lol but after many weeks have passed of just doing the normal things in the apartment, I became restless and really bored. I really missed playing the I bought a $40 keyboard. I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar so I got one for $30 to give myself a challenge. These have made the time pass more quickly, I'm keeping my skills in use, and I have fun.
I've been reading scripture and Christian books, and those also bring a special something to my day. I feel at peace ^^
I recently found out that I enjoy washing dishes o_o lol It's just relaxing somehow. It also helps that the sink is perfect for my height, the one at home makes me reach =P but with my newly discovered therapeutic chore, I'll personally make sure the sink at home is always spotless when I get back. I don't think there will be any competition ;)
Cooking is a lot of fun. I found the site which has so many recipes I want to try. The videos on Youtube are by the user foodwishes. I'll be going shopping for ingredients as soon as I figure out what I want to make.
I'm doing pretty well without donuts. Of course, going to a donut shop owned by my parents everyday made it difficult to resist temptation lol but now that I don't have those delicious, light and melt-in-your-mouth donuts nearby, I'm fine...although I made my mouth water when I described the donuts >.< We'll see if I've got abstinence down to a T when I get back lol
I've been exercising a little every day, just some things like push-ups and sit-ups but I notice that it's becoming easier to do them with each day that passes. When I had started, I could barely do 5 push-ups without my arms threatening to buckle and the sit-ups were not fun..sore muscles all over again. My clothes are fitting better and looser so I'm not too afraid to wear light-colored clothing anymore =P And I just feel great by keeping myself in shape. I think I'm going to start learning karate or something lol

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