Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ready or Not..and a Random Ramble about Parents

"Get up! You'll be late for school!" As much as I didn't like having my sleep interrupted by that morning wake up call, I'm going to miss it. Mornings are going to be much more experimental now lol
Now that school is starting in about 38 hours and counting (yikes!) I realize that I'm not going to be able to stay up late, will have to wake up at an ungodly hour and I'll have to set a limit for the number of times I watch Kung Fu Panda each week =( lol I'm sure my weekdays won't always be long and dedicated only to school. I'll still make time for my daily bible reading, exercise, friends, exploring, chores, cooking, maybe a movie, and all that fun stuff =] gotta balance everything out
Let's see how my internal alarm clock does Monday morning =P jk I'll probably use an alarm or 2 to wake me up. The tough thing about living on your own is not having your parents to take care of you lol There's no one to cook for me and wake me up for school in the morning..I guess you could say I was a bit spoiled living with my parents till now, but I see it as my having the best parents ever! (the best for ME, since others may argue that they have the best parents lol) Many parents do so much for their children and even though they want us to be successful, I really don't think they expect anything in return so I want to show my love and appreciation for my parents as often as I can.
My dad told me nearly a year ago that I chose to be born in this family. He said we were all little angels once and were able to talk to God and choose the family we want to be born in. But we all forget about that after we're put here on Earth. I don't know who'll be reading this blog or what religion you have, but I just thought that was a cute story lol Sometimes when I think life and making donuts is tough, and when I wish for better things, I remember what my dad told me. I chose this humble life and I think of all the good things and people I already have in my life. So instead of wanting more or being frustrated about hardships, I'll be thankful and positive. After all, life can be like a game; I chose this challenge myself and I'm not going to lose =]

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