Friday, August 19, 2011

Took on More Than I Could Carry

I went grocery shopping alone for the first time today since I arrived in Toledo. Usually I would go with my roommate because she has a car, but I wanted to walk around the whole store and find stuff, which would take a while so I didn't want to waste her time. I took a bus to Krogers, and I took my time browsing the store and picking out things I needed to buy. It took almost 4 hours before I was satisfied with what was in my cart lol.
I only noticed the problem after everything was bagged. I bought too much stuff to carry comfortably. I stuffed some things into my backpack but I still had 3 heavy, bulging bags to hold...I awkwardly got on the bus heading downtown and got to my apartment without further mishap. The plastic bags BARELY made it into the building before they started allowing stuff to pop out from the bottoms and sides. I was very lucky that all my stuff didn't just burst from the bags and out onto the sidewalk as I was walking lol That would have been one of the most embarrassing things ever *thinking of the movie Home Alone when Kevin's bags just gave out* >.<
Instead of using a shopping cart, I should start using those little shopping baskets you carry around. The only problem is if I throw something heavy in the basket like a gallon of milk. Then I'll have to hobble around the rest of the time lugging a heavy-ass basket everywhere lol
I always thought you should push carts like you drive a car. Stay to the right (in the U.S.), people in the main isles get the "right of way," no tailgating etc. I practice cart etiquette, even if there isn't such a thing lol It's not easy to do in places like Costco though, especially when it's jam packed with people and carts. The samples are nice, but they create traffic jams all over the store lol Whenever I want to get a sample, I "park" my cart off to the side and out of the way. Sadly, at Costco baskets are not an option, and there are conveniently over-sized shopping carts because, well, stuff they sell is over-sized.
But anyway, next time for sure I'll be buying less if I'm taking the bus to go grocery shopping so I won't look like a duck wobbling around downtown, I'll save money, and it'll be much easier to get around in the store =)


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